Waenhuis Guesthouse
Waenhuis @ Van Zijl Guesthouses & Restaurant
Waenhuis is a beautifully renovated house which has 2 bedrooms, each with 2 single beds. The house is fully equipped for a self-catering stay. Guests can enjoy the tranquillity of Nieuwoudtville in the lounge or on the roofed porch. Braai facilities are provided. LED lighting is available throughout the house in case of power outages. Safe, off-street parking is also available.
It is important that you view the photo album below which will answer many of the questions you might have.
“Die Waenhuis” (The Wagon Shed) is approximately 100 years old and was built on a rocky outcrop, firstly to ensure a solid foundation and secondly to provide a firm footing for the animals drawing the wagons.
Die Waenhuis required major reconstruction to be converted into a guest house. During the reconstruction phase, it became apparent that the building originally consisted of only two wagon sheds, with the subsequent addition of a kitchen built on as an outside room.
When a municipal bucket sewage system was introduced in the 1930s, what is now the bathroom was built on with an outside entrance, which has now been replaced with a window.
In the front room above the door the wooden lintel can still be seen. To create two bedrooms, we knocked through the dividing wall separating the two wagon sheds. In order to incorporate the kitchen and the bathroom into the house, we had to knock through the original outside stonewall. Inside the lounge the clay plastering on the side and back walls was removed, the stone cleaned with high-pressure pumps and the walls re-grouted. We also made extensive use of high-pressure pumps to remove layer upon layer of white wash paint that had been applied over the decades on the outside. Thereafter, all outside walls were also re-grouted.
Call me at (+027) (027) 2181535 or e-mail me at info@nieuwoudtville.co.za to book your accommodation.