
Ruins at Ouplaas

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Ruins at Ouplaas

These ruins are to be found North of town on the Grasberg Road. One of the most evocative places on the Bokkeveld Plato.

These photographs were taken over many years at different times and day. Just a few of the old inhabitants can recount the history of these ruins. Worth a visit at any time of the day to paint, sketch, photograph or just to ruminate. Pick up a map from us for directions to these ruins.

Click here to view the photo album.

Call me at (+027) (027) 2181535 or e-mail me at info@nieuwoudtville.co.za to book your accommodation.

Ruins at Ouplaas

These ruins are to be found North of town on the Grasberg Road. One of the most evocative places on the Bokkeveld Plato. These photographs were taken over many years at different times and day. Just a few of the old inhabitants can recount the history of these ruins. Worth a visit at any time of the day to paint, sketch, photograph or just to ruminate. Pick up a map from us for directions to these ruins. Click here to see the photo album.

Call me at (+027) (027) 2181535 or e-mail me at info@nieuwoudtville.co.za to book your accommodation.