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Loeriesfontein Golf Course
Both Loeriesfontein and Calvinia boast golf courses. There are no clearer examples of the passion for golf and both clubs are vibrant and active. The pictures say it all. Putting on an oil green will be taxing but quite an experience. Bring your clubs with you.
Click here to view the photo album.
Call me at (+027) (027) 2181535 or e-mail me at info@nieuwoudtville.co.za to book your accommodation.

Loeriesfontein Donkey Mill and Camping exhibition
Loeriesfontein our neighboring town. Next to Turner Museum in a separate building is a fine exhibition of an ox wagon and a horse mill. The pictures explain much, but if the exhibition is closed the friendly and helpful people of Loeriesfontein will open up the museum and other buildings. The guide will take you, in great detail, on a journey through the museum and the vast area, Bushmanland, that lies north of Loeriesfontein.
Click here to view the photo album.
Call me at (+027) (027) 2181535 or e-mail me at info@nieuwoudtville.co.za to book your accommodation.

Windmill Museum Loeriesfontein
These pictures of windmills represent almost all makes of windmills used over the years in South Africa.
The collection is unique and there are only a few such collections elsewhere in the world. These pictures will be of particular interest to all farmers. Windmills are very much part of the scenery in our country. They are fast disappearing being overtaken by solar pumps. These pictures will take many of you far back in time.
Click here to view the photo album.
Call me at (+027) (027) 2181535 or e-mail me at info@nieuwoudtville.co.za to book your accommodation.

Loeriesfontein Museum
Loeriesfontein, our neighboring town, has a museum in the old Baptist Church. Quite fascinating.
A big step back in time. Dressers, enamel jugs & basins, plates & dishes, cash register, dentist chair(quite frightening) type writer, dresses, coffee grinders, enamelware, candlestick makers, scale, enamel coffee jugs, wooden bowls, handbags, milk separator, and much much more.
On your way to Loeriesfontein from Nieuwoudtville you will pass the waterfall and the Aloe forest. This is a drive well worthwhile. Pick up a map from us and we will mark up the places to visit.
Click here to view the photo album.
Call me at (+027) (027) 2181535 or e-mail me at info@nieuwoudtville.co.za to book your accommodation.