
Glacial Pavement

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Glacial Pavement

The Glacial Pavement is approximately 10km from town. It is on this road that you can also reach the Hantam National Botanical Gardens (Glenlyon).Pick up a map from us and we will mark up what else should be seen on this route. The Glacial grooves at Oorlogskloof were produced by ice flow some 300 million years ago when southern Africa, as part of the Gondwana continent migrated over the South Pole. The debris transported by the glaciers accumulated to form the boulder-sand-clay mixture (tillite, diamictite) of the Dwyka Formation. Rock fragments held in the ice scratched the smooth sandstone floor of the Table Mountain Group, and also gouged deeply into a thin layer of loose sand deposited beneath the glacier. Linear ridges and bulbous bed forms record plastic yielding of sand into cavities at the base of the ice. Guided by the palaeoslope or deflected by an ice lobe coming from the east, the glacier flowed west-northwest at Oorlogskloof, although the much larger ice sheet over Bushmanland moved mainly southward and westward. Click here to see the photo album.

Call me at (+027) (027) 2181535 or e-mail me at info@nieuwoudtville.co.za to book your accommodation.